Wrestling Blog
   I always try to look at the big picture and never judge a angle right away I have to see it play through and then make a decision. So tonight CM Punk beat John Cena to become the Undisputed WWE Champion then strangely Kevin Nash appeared and destroyed Punk laying him out in the ring and running back into the crowd next Alberto Del Rio's music hit and Del Rio cashed in Money In The Bank and won the WWE Championship. So my first thought is why piss off the fans they just won over with giving CM Punk this much credibility. I have to say I have always been a fan of the chase so having Punk chase someone for the WWE Title as a Baby Face could very easily work. Alberto Del Rio as WWE Champion? I happen to be a big Del Rio fan but I am not sure if he's ready really only time will tell. My next question is Punk going to feud with Kevin Nash and is Kevin Nash going to have another run? Nothing against Nash but I don't understand why yet other than he's Triple H's buddy. I really hope Kevin Nash is back for something meaningful that makes sense with who he is. 

  Randy Orton VS Christian was a good match but I have become desensitized to tables and chairs I would rather see a good match with real rules that feels like a real professional competition and of course wrestling is a show and not a real sport but it is a show mimicking a real sport and what real sport would allow crazy shit that happens in a no holds barred or extreme rules match. 

At this point as good as this feud has been it needs to come to a end it's time. Orton winning was inevitable and as much as I would have loved to have seen Christian made to look better in this feud it has been good and good for Christians career. Currently now though I find my biggest fear in pro wrestling is WWE having nothing for Christian and seeing him dwindle in the mid card from now on. I cannot explain to you how much it would bother me to see that. 

 As for the rest of the matchs Sheamus Vs Mark Henry was solid to watch the match had a good spot through the guard rail and Henry continued to look like a monster. Kelly Kelly retained the Divas Title in a match where Kelly was made to show a tougher side a match where WWE planned to make Kelly Kelly. Wade Barret and Daniel Bryan had a match where Barret won it was good to see two young talents on PPV and to see Barret going  back to his FCW gimmick chasing wins and titles for money and wearing the jacket for his entrance. Also a thrown together show opener three versus three tag match Alberto Del Rio, The Miz and R Truth in a team of heels faced the team of baby faces in Rey Mysterio, John Morrison and Kofi Kingston. This match was very thrown together but at the same time the talent in the match worked a very good opener these six man match's are very hard to work with so many competitors and the multiple spot finish was awesome. The Team of Raw baby faces won this match. 

  In conclusion this was a decent pay per view but I never imagined anything as great as we received last months in Money In The Bank it's hard to capture lightning in a bottle twice and the shocking end did have me blown away.